Google+ Blueprint for Football: Featured Site: In Bed With Maradona

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Featured Site: In Bed With Maradona

Brief introduction: like any good blogger, when Blueprint for Football was set up I put in on the side-bar a list of sites that I enjoyed reading.  I told myself that I would build it up; adding in new sites as I discovered them yet this list barely changed even if my habits did or some of the sites shut down.  In truth I barely paid the list any attention and, judging by the hits going through it, neither did anyone else.  So I've decided to change the format.  Each month I will feature a site that I enjoy reading and which I believe readers of Blueprint for Football will enjoy as well.  And instead of the list of sites, on the side-bar I will put in this featured site's logo.  That way I can still be a good blogger whilst also being a good neighbour to my fellow sites as well as being a good host for you, my readers.

Featured Site: In Bed With Maradona

When I was young I used to religiously buy World Soccer magazine every month.  This was largely due to the writing of the great Brian Glanville but also because in that pre-internet era it provided details about football in countries that would otherwise have been inaccessible to me.

It is now much easier to find out what is happening in whatever country takes your fancy but that does not mean that you'll be able to get your hands on well written stories from these countries.  That is where In Bed With Maradona comes in.

So, what's so great about In Bed With Maradona?  In one word, everything.  The articles are well written and well edited (something of a rarity on sites that don't pay contributors) whilst the site invariably looks brilliant.

Most importantly there is a variety of the content with articles about football from all over the world.  It is this variety; this insight to varied culture that is particularly attractive since that is in part what I aim to provide with Blueprint for Football.

On top of it all, for those who love hearing about young footballer their annual The 100 is an unmissable feature.  Sourced from their top writers, this is excellently researched and fastidiously compiled. And each year the previous year's top 100 are marked to see how much each one has progressed. 

Disclaimer: I've occasionally contributed some articles to In Bed With Maradona.

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